Other CAM Software

Why is my CAM software not mentioned?

If they do not have one available they should be able to make one for you. Should they need assistance or have questions they can contact MASSO support and we will be happy to assist.

Who makes MASSO Post Processors?

Post Processors are made by the CAM Software supplier.

As writers of the CAM software they have the expertise in writing Post Processors to suit their product.

Should they need assistance or have questions they can contact MASSO support and we will be happy to assist.

Why does MASSO not write Post Processors?

Post Processors are made by the Cam software writers as they have the expertise in their own products.

In the past we have approached various CAM software makers and requested Post Processors for MASSO but as we do not have their product or a support contract they are not interested.

MASSO support is happy to work with CAM software makers to help with the development of Post Processors.

Why are there links to some Post processors and not others?

The Post Processors were provided by users of the various software or by the CAM manufacture themselves and linked to for convenience.

If you have a post processor you have made and wish to share please post it in the Forums Post Processor section

The person who makes the post processor is responsible for maintaining it.

Contact MASSO support and a page with link will be added the new post processor.