Loading Software to MASSO-G3

Regular updates are released to add more features to the units.

The software upgrade process can be easily performed on-site by following the instructions below:

Each software version is complete and and does not require previous software versions to be installed.

This process is the same whether you are installing a new MASSO or updating software.

Always make a backup of your settings and save a copy of the printable file to check your settings are correct after updating.

INFORMATION: The latest software updates are available from your my Workshop portal.

Information: Avoid using unbranded USB Flash drives as these are known to give issues with software install and upgrades

Information: Always make a backup of your settings before upgrading your software.

  • Ensure you are using the right software install instructions for you controller. These are for MASSO G3.
  • Ensure your Flash drive is formatted to Fat32.
  • Note that drives larger that 32Gb may not format to Fat32 and cannot be used.
  • Ensure that your flash drive is using MBR as GPT is not supported.
  • Create a folder called MASSO on the flash drive and copy the software file downloaded from MY WORKSHOP
  • Back up your current setting and save the printable file.
  • Power on the MASSO G3 and immediately press the F1 key repeatedly until the MASSO software load screen appears. If the software load screen does not appear re-power MASSO and start again.
  • Select the desired software from the list in the software load screen using the up/down arrow keys and press the enter key on your keyboard.
  • After the software has finished loading press the ESC key and your MASSO will restart with your new software.
  • Use your printable file to check your settings after updating.