Turning MASSO On
To turn MASSO on turn on the power.
MASSO will immediately start and be ready for use within 10 seconds
Turning MASSO Off
To turn MASSO OFF turn off the power.
There is no special procedure required.
On power up MASSO will remember your previous work offsets and after homing the machine you will find that your working origin point will be the same as it was before the machine was powered off. MASSO also remembers the last line of Gcode that was processed before power was turned off or lost in the case of a power outage.
This is useful in case of a power cut allowing the user to restart the machine and after homing use Jump to line to resume from where it left off.
- The Working and machine coordinates shown on the DRO's at power up are not random numbers and will allow recovery of position after a power outage or similar if needed.
- MASSO assumes it is in the center of the table at power up so the various axis can be jogged 50% of the maximum soft limit distance until the machine is homed to regain the actual position.
- The values shown on the DRO's at power up are the center of the table offset by you last working coordinate offsets. Homing the machine allow you to recover the previous origin point.
- If you are wanting to recover position do not zero any axis or the last origin position will be lost.