MPG Pendant

Troubleshooting the MASSO Pendant




  • MPG inputs must show No in the invert column or it will not work correctly. All MPG inputs must show Low when the MASSO pendant is unplugged. If any MPG input shows Yes in the invert column, select the input and press the spacebar to change the invert column to show No.
  • When the pendant is plugged in and turned on you will see the selected inputs go high.
  • When the MASSO MPG is turned off or Axis 6 is selected only the selected Resolution input will show as High.
  • There will be one MPG Select and one Resolution input High at any one time. If more than one of each is present at the same time the pendant will not behave correctly. The most likely cause is that one of the MPG inputs is inverted. Check that all MPG inputs show NO in the invert column.
  • While looking at the F1 screen select each axis in turn on the pendant and each resolution and make sure each of the corresponding inputs change to High as they are selected. If an input does not change when it is selected on the MPG you may have a broken wire in the pendant.





  • When the Manual pulse generator is turned it is normal to see the MPG Dial Signal-A and MPG Dial Signal-B inputs changing between high and low in what appears to be a random manner.





  • If turning the MPG dial does not make the axis move please check your step size. If the step size for your axis is bigger than the single step set on the pendant then the axis will not move. eg if each step of your axis is 0.03mm and your use the x1 setting on the pendant of 0.01mm then the axis will not move as a single pendant step is smaller than a single axis step however the x10 (0.1mm) will work.
  • If the Estop on your pendant is not working on the pendant please check that you are using EStop1. If the wire is on Estop2 move it to Estop1 and the pendant will work correctly.
  • If you cannot get MASSO out of Estop please check that the Pendant is plugged in properly as the Estop signal goes through the pendant and unplugging it will put the machine in Estop.
  • For more information on the EStop wiring please see: Estop Wiring


Estop pin 1