How to Create User in myWorkshop

Manage Users/User Access to myWorkshop OEM/Distributor Account


An OEM or Distributor client can allow another user to have access to their MASSO myWorkshop account.

The instructions are set out below:


Create a Role

1. Once logged in, select Users from the menu above.

2. Select Roles from the menu to the left.

3. Click on "New Role"






4. Fill in the Role Title and Description in the General Tab.





5. In the Permissions Tab, make selections for how much access you want the role to have. 








Create a User 

1. Select Users on the menu to the left. 

2. Click on "New User"






3. In the General Tab, fill in the details of the User you are creating.

Required fields are marked with *.

The Email and Password you enter here will be required by the User to log in. 





4. In the Permissions Tab, select the role you have created to allow the user the access. 





5. Press "Save".

The User you have created will now be able use the saved email ID and password to log in to MASSO myWorkshop.

No email activation required.