G32 – Threading Cycle

This command is used on Lathe machines for running threading cycle synchronised with the spindle.

INFORMATION: Taper threading is not supported.

Syntax & Parameters

  • Z Value (required) - specifies the end location of the Z axis for threading. The distance value will be the current machine units in use.
  • F Value (required) - this is the thread pitch value. The distance value will be the current machine units in use.

Example program

N10 G21
N20 G00 Z0
N30 G32 Z-10 F1.5

  • In the above program the first line sets the machine units to millimetres.
  • The second line command moved the Z axis to work 0.00 millimetres.
  • The third line starts the threading cycle to thread to Z -10 millimetres location while threading at 1.5 millimetre pitch.

INFORMATION: Units are defined as either inches or mm depending on your machines setup or G20 or G21 command in use.