G83 – Peck Drilling For Deeper Holes

This command is Canned Cycle used for peck drilling deeper holes.
G83 is Modal and is a member of Group 1


Syntax & Parameters


  • G83 followed by R, Q, K & F values.
  • X, Y, Z, A, B Value - specifies the axis you wish to move following the distance to move. The distance value will be the current machine units in use.
  • R Value - This is the retract position in the Z axis. This value must be specified.
  • Q Value - The Q value is peck (incremental) value. A positive non zero Q value must be specified.
  • K Value - This is number of time the cycle needs to be repeated. (Optional)
  • F Value - The F value defines the feed rate at which the axis will move at.



Example program


N10 G99 G83 X10 Y10 Z-8 R2 Q1 K2 F100
N20 X20
N30 X30
N40 G80


  • The first line moves the X & Y axis to 10mm position with retract plane set to 2mm, drilling to Z -8mm, peck of 1mm at 100 mm/minute feed rate and starts drilling.
  • The K value of 2 will cause the drill cycle to repeat a 2nd time drilling the hole again before moving on to the next line of Gcode.
  • The second line moves X axis to 20mm position and drill a hole as per the same values.
  • The third line moves X axis to 30mm position and drill a hole as per the same values.
  • G80 cancels the canned cycle.


INFORMATION: Units are defined as either inches or mm depending on your machines setup or G20 or G21 command in use.


WARNING: Before a new canned cycle can be used the previous one must be cancelled with a G80