M66 - Wait for Input

This command is used to monitor an auxiliary input.

MASSO will stop executing Gcode until the input condition is met or the timeout expires.

If the condition is met MASSO will skip the specified number of lines of Gcode and continue the program.

If the timeout expires before the input condition is met the Program will move to the next line of Gcode and continue execution of the program.

INFORMATION: M66 is not supported on MASSO G2

Syntax & Parameters

  • M66 followed by P, L, Q & S values
  • P Value - Auxiliary input number 1 - 16
  • L Value - Condition and action 1, 2, 3 or 4
  • L1 - Wait for input to change from Low to High. If this input is already High it will need to cycle to Low and back to High to be a valid input
  • L2 - Wait for input to change from High to Low. If this input is already Low it will need to cycle to High and back to Low to be a valid input
  • L3 - Wait for input to be High. If the input is already High the Program will continue immediately
  • L4 - Wait for input to be Low. If the input is already Low the Program will continue immediately
  • Q Value - Timeout in milliseconds. The Q value must be 1 or higher
  • S Value -  skip the next number of lines if the input is received.


This example could be starting a dust collector and at the same time the same signal opens the the blast gate which has a switch on it to indicate it is open

N10 M64 P2
N20 MSG Checking Blast Gate Open
N30 M66 P4 L3 Q1000 S2
N40 MSG Blast Gate closed
N50 M00
N70 G1 X10

In this example Auxiliary output 2 is turned on to start dust collector and open the Blast gate

Message displayed on MASSO screen "Checking Blast Gate Open"

MASSO looks at auxiliary input 4 to see if blast gate is open

If the input is already high it will immediately skip the next 2 lines and move to line N60 and clears message from the screen before continuing with the program.

If the input is Low it will wait 10 seconds for the input to change to High and if it goes high in that time it will skip the next 2 lines and move to line N60 clearing the message and continuing the program.

If the input remains low for 10 seconds MASSO will put message "Blast Gate closed" on the screen and wait for cycle start

After the problem is corrected and the user wishes to continue, cycle start is pressed, the message is removed and the program continues the program

If you require that the program execution stops when it encounters an input error please use a M00 to halt operation.

The user can manually press feed hold to end program execution.

It is highly recommended that using long delays that a suitable message noting that the machine is waiting for a condition to be met before continuing so that the machine operator knows why the Gcode program is halted.

If you want to the M66 to trigger the end of the Gcode program use an M02 to end the program.