Upgrading the Spindle encoder on MASSO G2
Upgrading the MASSO G2 encoder inputs to take up frequency up to 20kHz
- By default MASSO can take up to 8kHz encoder signals, to upgrade the inputs so that they can take up to 20kHz please follow the below procedures.
- To check the maximum frequency as per your machine spindle RPM and encoder PPR, please use THIS CALCULATOR
- If the calculated frequency is under 8Khz then you do not need to do the modification.
- Ordering the SFH615A optocouplers: https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/isocom-components-2004-ltd/SFH615A-2X/SFH615A-2X-ND/5037024
CAUTION: If you are at all unsure of how to remove the 3 capacitors from the main board please seek assistance from a qualified person as incorrect removal may cause damage to the main board.