Tool Setter

The MASSO Tool setter is used to measure tools as part of the tool change process.

The Tool setter forms a reference surface against which all tools are compared and from this MASSO can automatically compensate for difference in tool length when changing tools.

It is most common that a switch based tool setter is used as a touch plate tool setter will only work if the spindle is grounded. It is not convenient to use an alligator clip to ground the tool in the spindle when using the tool setters as the Auto tool zero is automatic and if the tool is not grounded it will crash into the tool setter. A switch based tool setter does not have this problem as it does not reply in the tool being grounded.

Wiring example of a simple touch plate style Tool setter

This circuit is of a simple touch plate where the plate and the cutter complete the circuit when they touch.

The pullup resistor used in this circuit pulls the input high and the input logic must be inverted to show low when the tool setter is not triggered.

The pullup resistor should be a minimum of 1/8 watt.

This is done by selecting the input and pressing the spacebar to toggle between High and Low. 

The Resistor and +ve power supply must not left out or the tool setter will not work.

The Resistor must not be replaced with a direct connection to the power supply to the input or you will cause a short circuit when the tool touches the touch off.

Wiring example of a Tool setter with built in switch

Assigning the Touch plate input

Once the probe has been wired to one of the MASSO inputs, go to the F1 - Setup screen and assign the input as Tool Setter

CAUTION: The input status must show LOW when the Tool setter is not being touched and should only show HIGH when triggered.

INFORMATION: To invert the input signal, invert by selecting the input in the INPUTS list and press the space-bar key on the keyboard. These settings are automatically saved.

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