4 Bit Digital Signal Output Turret

The 4 bit output type turret outputs the turret tool position in a 4 bit binary output as below:

The tool represented by the binary code will depend on which software version you are using.

See the section on Tool numbering at the bottom of this page for more information.

Users of MASSO G3 & MASSO Touch running software version 5.01 or higher

  • Tool 1 signal - Binary 0001
  • Tool 2 signal - Binary 0010
  • Tool 3 signal - Binary 0011
  • Tool 4 signal - Binary 0100
  • and so on...

Users of MASSO G2 and software version lower than 5.01

  • Tool 0 signal - Binary 0001
  • Tool 1 signal - Binary 0010
  • Tool 2 signal - Binary 0011
  • Tool 3 signal - Binary 0100
  • and so on...

Setting up the tool changer

  • Go to F1-Setup screen and open Tool Changer window.
  • From the list select Press enter to open Tool Changer list and select the 4 Bit digital Signal Output Turret from the list.

Tool changer logic

On a tool change request, MASSO will make the Tool Changer - Output 1 HIGH to turn the tool changer head clockwise till the desired tool has been loaded in position. Once the tool is in position the Tool Changer - Output 1 becomes LOW and Tool Changer - Output 2 goes HIGH to turn the tool changer head counterclockwise for 400ms to lock the tool in position.

This tool change supports 2 to 14 tools

"Tool Changer - Output 1" means Tool Change - 1 and it is an output

"Tool Changer - Input 1" means Tool Changer -1 and it is an Input

Note: Any tool changer input or output can be assigned to any Input or Output on MASSO. The tool changer number does not refer to an actual input or output port.

Input Signals

Wire the Bit 1, Bit 2, Bit 3 & Bit 4 signals to any free inputs on MASSO and in the INPUTS list assign them to Tool Changer - Input 1 to Tool Changer - Input 4.

Output Signals

Wire the turrets control electronics CW and CCW signals on any free outputs on MASSO and in the OUTPUTS list assign them to the CW signal to Tool Changer - Output 1 and CCW signal to Tool Changer - Output 2.