Estop alarm
An EStop alarm is given on startup of MASSO. Press and release the EStop button to test the EStop is working and this will cancel the alarm.
EStop also occurs if the EStop button is pressed on the machine.
Homing alarm
This alarm indicates that the machine has not been homed. To clear the alarm home the machine.
If you get a homing error alarm it means something has gone wrong while homing. Rehome the machine to clear
Door Alarm
This alarm indicates that the cabinet door is open. Close the door to clear the alarm.
You can set the machine to automatically stop and start when the door is opened or closed.
If you have a G2 you must assign an output as a door alarm even if you do not have a door. Setting this to logic low will remove the alarm
Soft Limit
The extremes of travel of each axis is defined in each axis settings page.
If you execute a move that will exceed the limit of travel a soft limit will alarm will display.
To cancel issue a valid move on the axis and the alarm will clear.
Hard Limit
These alarms are triggered by the homing sensors. If a mechanical fault occurs that causes the axis to trigger a hard limit the Hard Limit alarm will be displayed.
To clear the alarm find and clear the issue that caused the Hard limit alarm and Home the machine to clear the alarm.
Probing alarm
A Probing alarm occurs during a probing cycle where MASSO does not receive a signal from the probing sensor within the specified distance.
You will also get a probing alarm if the probe is already in the active state when a probing cycle is started.
To clear issue a new probing command with a valid distance ensuring the probe is not already in an active state.
Tool Error Alarm
This occurs if you try and load a tool not supported by MASSO. EG the tool number is greater that 118 on the G3 or MASSO Touch or Greater that 31 on the G2
Motor Alarm
When a Stepper or Servo drive goes into an alarm condition the Drive can signal MASSO which will put the system into Feed hold and stop the spindle.
The Motor alarm indication will be displayed on the screen. you drive must be capable of providing the required signal and they be connected to MASSO.
To clear the alarm first clear the fault with the drive and home the machine to clear Alarm indication on MASSO.
Lubricant Low alarm
If you have a lubricant vessel that has an alarm output you can connect it to MASSO and a Lubrication alarm will display on MASSO.
Top up your lubricant vessel and the alarm will automatically clear.
Air Pressure Low Alarm
When the Air pressure drops below the sensor trigger point the Air Pressure Low alarm input changes to High and the Air Pressure Alarm is displayed on screen.
To reset the alarm the alarm input needs to return to low and the machine homed.
Use Jump to line to resume machining.
Spindle Alarm
This input monitors the Spindle alarm output from the VFD and will signal an alarm condition if the input changes to High.
MASSO will enter Feed hold and Spindle alarm will be displayed.
To clear and reset the alarm you must Home the machine
Spindle Coolant Pulses Alarm
This input monitors the coolant flow sensor and requires 1 pulse every 10 seconds when the spindle is running.
If no pulse is received in 10 seconds the MASSO will enter Feed hold and Spindle Coolant alarm will be displayed.
To clear and reset the alarm you must Home the machine
Spindle Coolant Flow Alarm
This input monitors the coolant flow sensor and will signal an alarm condition if the input changes to High for 10 seconds or more when the spindle is running.
MASSO will enter Feed hold and Spindle Coolant alarm will be displayed.
To clear and reset the alarm you must Home the machine