OEM and Distributors

Instructions for creating a customer and assigning serial numbers to customers

When a customer purchases a MASSO G3 or MASSO Touch from an OEM or Distributor the seller will assign the serial number in myWorkshop.

Assigning the serial number to the purchaser will create a myWorkshop account for them, allowing them to sign in and get the initial software as well as future updates.



Creating your customers

1. Log into myWorkshop using your OEM / Distributor credentials

2. On the top menu click on “Users”.

3. Click "Customers" on the right side navigation bar.

4. Click on the "New Customer" button towards the top right-hand side of the screen.




5. Enter customer email ID.

6. Click “Verify Email”





7. Enter all required details about the client in the General tab.




8. In the Addresses tab, click “Add New Address”


This will open a window in the right side of screen, where you can add the address.


You will be prompted to enter mandatory fields if you miss them. Mandatory fields are marked with a *




9. Press "OK" button.


Note - At least one Billing address and one Shipping address is required.



10.Click the "Save" button.







Creating Customer Orders and Assigning MASSO serial numbers


1. On the top menu click on "Orders" and then the sub-menu "Customer Orders".

2. Click on the "New Order" button towards the top right-hand side of the screen.





3. In “Select Customer” - type at least 3 letters of the customer names and select from the list displayed.

4. Select a billing and shipping address from the available options once you have selected a customer.

5. Type in an order reference in the Ref. Order Number* field.





6. Next, go to the "Controllers" tab and click on the "Add Device" button.





7. In the new window displayed on the right hand side of the screen, enter the serial number of the controller and press the "OK" button.

8. Next click on the “ Logo Details” and select the logo

9. Then click on "Select Variant" drop-down and select your machine type.

10. Click the "Save Changes" button.

INFORMATION: The above steps can be repeated to add more serial numbers to the same order.

11. Order tracking details can be added by going to the "Shipment Details" tab.



If your shipment provider is not listed in the list then please contact support@masso.com.au to have your shipment partner added to the system.

12. Click on the "Save" button towards the top right-hand side of the screen to complete the order.


INFORMATION: Once a device is assigned to a customer and the order is saved. You cannot edit the order or assign the device to another customer.


If for any reason you need changes made to an order or device, please email support@masso.com.au for help.


Example 1. If you have someone return a device and you want it put back in your stock, available to assign to someone else.


Example 2. If the wrong serial number was entered and not amended before saving the order.



When viewing their own orders, your customers can only see their own information.

The below screenshot is an example of what the customer will see when viewing My Orders in their MASSO myWorkshop account.



Your company details (like contact information) cannot be seen by the customer.

Your company name is the only detail that will appear.

When the customer follows the order number link, they will see their own email ID and their own shipping and billing details that were used for the order.




myWorkshop Client Access


For detailed instructions on how your client can sign in to myWorkshop, please visit the section on myWorkshop in this Documentation.



Here are the articles in this section: